5 Best WordPress Security Tips in 20205 Best WordPress Security Tips in 2020

Every website owner knows the risk that comes with starting an online Business. Criminals are known for exploiting fear and chaos which is the exact reason why Cyber-crime cases have increased significantly as more and more people start working from home or studying online because of Covid-19. Businesses are equally at risk of losing millions of dollars through fraud and Cybercrimes.

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Source: bitdefender.com

One big reason why Cyber Crimes are on the rise is because of the increased dependency on digital Infrastructure. Social interactions have been curtained to stop the spread of the disease and for that reason, the US government instructed people to work from home. A recent case is that of the Worldometers.info, a U.S Department of Health and Human Sciences and Coronavirus Statistics. The main target for criminals was to disrupt the flow of information and services for personal gains.

If such big organizations are at risk losing information and money as a result of cybercrimes, what do you think of your business? It’s therefore important to prevent a crime before it happens on WordPress website with these 5 WordPress security Tips. It’s also important to get WordPress help in case you detect any fishy activity on the website any time of the day from a reputable WordPress security service provider.

Best WordPress Security Tips

Choose and install a reliable security plugin

The first thing you should do is to ensure your website is secured against all forms of security threats. Although there are many ways to make this a reality, the best and the most logical method is to choose WordPress Security Plugins. This hardens the process of guessing the admin passwords and accessing the site.

Protect your password, Change it periodically

One way scammers and hackers can get past the log in to your WordPress website is by guessing the Security password. This shows that the admin password is very important and should be made as complicated as possible. If possible, always change your admin password once every month.

Keep the themes and plugins updated

I want you to understand that security threats can change from time to time and for that reason, the WordPress team should always be on the lookout for security loopholes. The team usually curtains these loopholes through the development of new updated Plugins and Themes. To be sure your website is safe, keep it updated regularly.

Choose a Good Hosting and WordPress Help

I bet you already know that most hacking threats come from the security vulnerability in the hosting server. Consequently, it’s important to always have the best hosting company out here. The company should be fast and reliable when it comes to protecting the site against all forms of modern threats such as security Vulnerabilities, Trojans, Malware and Spyware.

Protecting your website is a continuous process that needs a lot of your time and understanding. As the website owner, it’s important to always be updated on the current hacking trends and ways to curtain that. Always seek WordPress services and help from a reputable company to protect your website and reduce chances of financial loss.

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