Rhinoplasty Surgery Anyone?

Rhinoplasty Surgery Anyone?

It is natural to wonder why some of the doctors will ask so many questions, while the others may be too relaxed and willing to take patients for a ride. The reason for the difference is not known. What we do know is that every doctor is different, and some are more interested in giving the best service possible, while others would prefer to leave the final decision to you and trust your judgment. In short, there are two general categories when it comes to answering questions. For more information about having rhinoplasty in Seattle WA visit www.seattlenosesurgeon.com

The first category, which seems to apply in most cases, is the medical doctor. This is the type of doctor who will want to know how long you have been suffering from your medical condition. They will also want to know if you have any history or family history that could influence your choice.

Then there is the second category, the cosmetic surgeon. This type of doctor will not necessarily ask any questions as the focus will be on how you look after the surgery and what kind of results you might get.

There is nothing wrong with asking both questions, as it will make things clearer and you will be able to see the difference in the two different types of surgeons. Just be careful about going overboard and asking too many questions. This can put you at an advantage if you feel any pressure, but don’t be tempted to ask too much.

After all, you will be looking at your nose for the rest of your life and there are certain questions you cannot answer without being open and honest. You will need to talk with your surgeon about what your expectations are and what you expect your nose to look like after rhinoplasty. You will also need to discuss whether your nose was damaged as a result of a previous problem or even if it has a crooked appearance. If you think that it is crooked, it is important that you discuss this with your surgeon before the surgery.

You can also ask questions relating to other parts of your body after Seattle rhinoplasty, such as your breast size, whether you smoke, whether you have allergies and the likes. Just keep in mind that the answers you give may not be completely accurate, and you are better off talking to your surgeon about the answers you gave during your initial consultation.